1 | 2,925 | 8,830 | jruby-launcher | Builds and installs a native launcher for JRuby on your system |
2 | 3,697 | 3,901 | warbler | Warbler is a gem to make a Java jar or war file out of any Ruby,
Rails, or Rack applica... |
3 | 12,753 | 13,607 | ruleby | Ruleby is a rule engine written in the Ruby language. It is a system for executing a se... |
4 | 15,060 | 129,735 | trinidad_init_services | Trinidad init service scripts on Apache Commons Daemon and JRuby-Jsvc, compatible with ... |
5 | 26,730 | 51,488 | guard-jruby-rspec | Guard::JRubyRSpec keeps a warmed up JVM ready to run your specs. |
6 | 36,362 | 26,667 | dm-is-temporal | DataMapper plugin implementing temporal patterns |
7 | 58,716 | 129,735 | warbler-exec | This utility allows you to execute commands with the context of a Warbler WAR file |
8 | 62,658 | 32,595 | torquebox-remote-deployer | This utility allows you to deploy a Torquebox Knob file to a remote server |
9 | 66,289 | 32,595 | mjruby | This is a rewrite of the JRuby launcher. It uses mruby-cli to build binary executables ... |
10 | 90,755 | 32,595 | get_back | Easy Background Jobs for JRuby |
11 | 94,092 | 129,735 | raxb | Ruby API for XML Binding |
12 | 96,956 | 129,735 | trinidad_resque_extension | Trinidad extension to autoconfigure and launch Resque |
13 | 157,926 | 51,488 | jdbc-url | A library for creating JDBC URLs from standard Database URLs |
14 | 158,586 | 51,488 | jruby-executors | The Gem provides an easy interface to the JRuby Executors library. |