Ibc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,1418,694em-udnsem-udns is an async DNS resolver for EventMachine based on udns C library. Having most ...
215,3859,921oversipOverSIP is an async SIP proxy/server programmable in Ruby language. Some features of Ov...
316,88121,627eventmachine-leEventMachine-LE (Live Edition) is a branch of EventMachine (https://github.com/eventmac...
438,28061,367xcapclientXCAP (RFC 4825) is a protocol on top of HTTP allowing a client (usually built within a ...
539,08221,627em-posixmqem-posixmq integrates posix_mq Ruby library into the EventMachine reactor allowing asyn...
669,90125,716oversip-mod-mysqloversip-mod-mysql provides an easy to use MySQL connector for OverSIP proxy.
773,71461,367em-ruby-socketsem-ruby-sockets uses Ruby sockets within EventMachine::watch()
874,61761,367em-jsonrpcem-jsonrpc provides a JSON RPC 2.0 TCP/UnixSocket client and server to be integrated wi...
983,46529,456oversip-mod-postgresqloversip-mod-postgresql provides an easy to use PostgreSQL connector for OverSIP proxy.
1096,72161,367asyncengineRuby asynchronous event driven framework on top of libuv