Julik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6931,888zip_tricksStream out ZIP files from Ruby
22,8693,280patronRuby HTTP client library based on libcurl
37,3164,487prorateCan be used to implement all kinds of throttles
47,6387,818ru_propisjuCумма прописью
57,74427,598tracksperantoConverts 2D track exports between different apps like Flame, MatchMover, PFTrack...
67,95110,291approximatelyFacilitates float comparisons in mocks
77,96810,326timecodeTimecode value class
810,02420,314format_parserA Ruby library for prying open files you can convert to a previewable format, such as v...
910,99618,285sqewerA full-featured library for all them SQS worker needs
1011,27940,310activerecord_autoreplicaRedirect all SELECT queries to a separate connection within a block
1113,23415,530retriable_proxyAdds an object wrapper on top of Retriable
1214,37710,326wt_s3_signerA Ruby Gem that optimize the signing of S3 keys. The gem is especially useful when deal...
1314,58213,455measurometerMinimum viable API for instrumentation in libraries. Source metrics from your libraries...
1414,89640,310image_viseImage processing via URLs
1515,29518,285very_tiny_state_machineYou wouldn't beleive how tiny it is
1616,05421,477rutilsDEPRECATED processing of russian strings
1718,02822,754ksKeyword-initialized Structs
1818,94840,310hash_toolsDo useful things to Ruby Hashes
1919,03127,598vitrineServes ERB templates with live CoffeeScript and SASS
2019,28740,310junebug-wikiJunebug is a minimalist ruby wiki running on Camping.
2119,39117,785range_utilsThere is a whole range of things you can do with a Range
2219,5433,214zip_kitStream out ZIP files from Ruby. Successor to zip_tricks.
2319,71240,310edlParser for EDL (Edit Decision List) files
2420,32040,310apicultureA toolkit for building REST APIs on top of Rack
2520,40327,598depixAllows you to read and edit DPX file headers parsed into Ruby objects
2621,33616,963gilensonОбработчик типографских символов в HTML согласно общепринятым правилам. Посвящается П.Г...
2721,34918,879strenvCreates a STRICT_ENV constant that you can query for environment variables and get mean...
2821,75040,310junebugJunebug is a minimalist ruby wiki running on Camping.
2922,14327,598flame_channel_parserReads and interpolates animation channels in IFFS setups
3026,39740,310ticklyParses the subset of the TCL grammar needed for Nuke scripts
3127,65221,477puliFor small concurrent activities in the open air
3231,02340,310rational_choiceFuzzy logic gate
3331,26240,310aws_ip_utilitiesChecks for AWS IP ranges, including adding to Rack trusted proxy list.
3431,83240,310malMinuscule algebraic types for Ruby
3533,04940,310sequencerImage sequence sorting, scanning and manipulation
3633,82627,598authorization_header_parserParses parametrized HTTP Authorization headers
3734,42140,310framecurveFramecurve parser, validation and interpolation
3834,61440,310strict_request_uriReject Rack requests with an invalid URL
3934,68040,310chantierProcess your jobs in parallel with a simple table of processes or threads
4035,95020,314interval_responseAssemble HTTP responses from spliced sequences of payloads
4136,51940,310flame_timewarp_extractorExtract timewarp channels from Flame setup files into a simple list of "to-frame" to "f...
4237,34140,310app_revisionFinds a way to get at your git commit SHA
4337,36840,310image_procA no-frills image resizer, with pluggable backends. No extra software required on OS X
4437,36940,310exceptional_forkUses pipes to re-raise exceptions. Something better than an exit code has to exist.
4539,30918,285obufStores marshaled temporary objects on-disk in a simple Enumerable
4639,40340,310sanitize_user_agent_headerDecodes the User-Agent header into UTF-8 in any Rack app
4740,49524,456pbbuilderGenerate Protobuf Messages with a simple DSL similar to JBuilder
4841,77424,456rails_twirpIntegrate Twirp into Rails
4944,29940,310bycharHelps parsing IO char by char
5045,72140,310megabytesByte size formatter for when ActiveSupport is too much
5146,09910,247reloadable_middlewareWraps any Rack middleware with lazy resolve at call()
5249,53040,310peiji-sanPeijiSan is a Rails plugin which uses named scopes to create a thin pagination layer.
5350,07340,310mosquitoA library for writing tests for your Camping app.
5455,87240,310magic_bytesBasic file type checks based on a few header bytes
5558,81840,310update_hintsAutomatically check if a new version of your gem is available and notify users
5662,01740,310fast_sendSend bursts of large files quickly via Rack
5763,63214,374idempoProvides idempotency keys for Rack applications.
5863,95027,598runawaySpin off blocks in child processes and make sure they terminate on time
5965,89540,310kinesis_firehose_batcherSends records to Firehose, automatically honors the limits
6072,54340,310nanospinnerOutputs a spinning indicator to the terminal, updating it on every revolution
6173,17740,310microgetPedal-to-the-metal HTTP client for GET requests
6273,27340,310discreet_proxyParses and creates Flame/Smoke .p proxy icon files
6373,63840,310wiretapWireTap driver
6475,91040,310lighttpd_pathinfo_fixThis middleware fixes the lighttpd PATH_INFO for apps mounted at / in a way that is com...
6577,55540,310captivityA simple logging wrapper for Rack
6679,30740,310prefixed_cache_storeAllows you to expire parts of your cache separately
6779,34740,310cli_testAssists in testing commandline applications (run an application qucikly, read out stder...
6881,29140,310fourtrackStore massive amounts of ordered log records into a single .gz file and replay them one...
6990,38227,598progressive_ioA wrapper for IO objects that allows a callback to be set which is called when an objec...
7090,45140,310pasaporteAn OpenID server with a colored bar on top
7192,94940,310univalA minimal endpoint for driving server-side validations from a remote UI
7298,53840,310rww_authAllows password checks against a Remote Web Workplace server (a.k.a. Outlook Webmail)
7398,59840,310appsignal_extensionsDoing some more with Appsignal
7499,07340,310blogrpcEasily construct MT and MetaWeblog XML-RPC backends
75100,32040,310simple_compressTiny methods for gzip-compressing and expanding a string
76108,31240,310magick_pipeSerialize RMagick processing steps and run them in a forked subprocess, later
77111,13340,310long_bodyDirect-to-socket streaming of Rack response bodies
78122,82340,310extremist_cacheObject-keyed caches for anything
79124,78322,754goudaJob Scheduler for Rails and PostgreSQL
80125,72440,310linebylineCan be used for comparing long outputs to references
81127,73740,310make_like_a_treeImplement orderable trees in ActiveRecord using the nested set model, with multiple roo...
82129,15340,310omnivorous_etagETags are good, however normally they are generated based on strings. However, very oft...
83154,16640,310rack_deflater_bypassUseful for serving tarballs via Rack
84155,86740,310string_derived_randomSeed a Ruby `Random` object with a seed value that is derived from a given string
85156,81540,310pg_loggerConvert PostgreSQL notices to Ruby logger messages, in one proc
86158,38024,456pecorinoPecorino allows you to define throttles and rate meters for your metered resources, all...
87159,24740,310enough_with_the_double_render_alreadybails out of the controller action on any render, head or redirect_to
88159,33840,310range_header_parserParses Range HTTP headers for specific fetches
89162,66840,310magvarMagnetic variation calculation ported from FlightGear
90168,12240,310ods_extractorEspecially useful if your document is very, very large.
91177,33822,754munsterWebhooks framework for Rails applications
92178,40319,489state_machine_enumConcern that makes it easy to define and enforce possibe state transitions for a field/...
93181,26121,477touTime-ordered UUIDv4