Arto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1492,513rdfRDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.
23,5635,086rack-throttleRack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
34,9993,663sxpUniversal S-expression parser with specific support for Common Lisp, Scheme, and RDF/SP...
45,4414,133sparql-clientExecutes SPARQL queries and updates against a remote SPARQL 1.0 or 1.1 endpoint, ...
55,8634,209rdf-isomorphicRDF.rb extension for graph bijections and isomorphic equivalence.
66,1084,199linkeddataA metadistribution of RDF.rb including a full set of parsing/serialization plugins.
76,2324,238rdf-jsonRDF.rb extension for parsing/serializing RDF/JSON data.
86,3384,248rdf-trixRDF.rb extension for parsing/serializing TriX data.
98,4117,814openpgpOpenPGP.rb is a pure-Ruby implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880), ...
1013,27433,893rdf-specRDF.rb extension that provides RSpec matchers and shared examples for RDF objects.
1114,73761,367rsaRSA.rb is a pure-Ruby implementation of the RSA encryption algorithm and the PKCS#1 cry...
1215,94833,893spiraSpira is a framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.
1318,16241,086rdf-raptorRDF.rb plugin for parsing/serializing NTriples, RDF/XML, Turtle and RDFa data using the...
1418,6427,601rack-linkeddataRack middleware for Linked Data content negotiation.
1523,45541,086rack-rpcRack middleware for serving RPC endpoints.
1626,43561,367rdf-sesameRDF.rb plugin providing a Sesame 2.0 storage adapter.
1727,21320,275torTor.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the Tor anonymity network.
1829,37125,716quantityQuantity provides first-class quantities, units, and base quantities in pure ruby. Thin...
1936,57761,367sinatra-linkeddataSinatra extension for Linked Data content negotiation.
2041,75861,367crm114CRM114.rb is a Ruby interface to the CRM114 Controllable Regex Mutilator, an advanc...
2158,07861,367i2pI2P.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the I2P anonymity network.
22119,88129,456openxrOpenXR.rb implements Ruby bindings for OpenXR 1.0, the open standard and cross-platform...
23121,38941,086bitcoin-otcA Ruby library for fetching #bitcoin-otc ratings.
24124,64861,367ffidbCommand-line interface (CLI) for the FFI DB registry.
25124,82061,367rdf-vcfThis is an RDF.rb reader plugin for Variant Call Format (VCF) files, widely used in...
26168,70141,086conrealityConreality Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby.
27171,83261,367dogma.rbDogma for Ruby.
28172,79361,367lemberg.aiLemberg.AI Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby.
29173,34061,367gitstampGitstamp Command-Line Interface (CLI)
30173,95061,367unlicenseUnlicense Command-Line Interface (CLI)
31152,62040,876drylibThe polyglot programmer's standard library.
32179,25961,367knowThe Know Framework for Ruby
33181,03661,367haltiaHaltia.AI Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby
34182,35761,367knfKNF for Ruby
35183,34461,367asimov.rbAsimov Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby