Rydahl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4403,086geoip-cGeneric GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip_city RubyGem by Ryan Dahl
210,49251,488geoip_cityA Binding to the GeoIP C library
328,59351,488ebbA Web Server
440,35832,595merb_has_flashRails' 'flash' session notification system ported to Merb
569,53451,488merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
688,90232,595merb_akismetProvides spam checking with Akismet for Merb apps
789,38551,488method_argsProvides Method#args for inspecting arguments
8110,21051,488attachmerb_fuMerb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
9115,53651,488extractorA binding for libextractor; allows you to read metadata from a number of file types.
10121,35732,595merb_storiesMerb plugin that provides basic support for rSpec text stories
11125,61751,488SqueezeBoxA Web Framework Without Fur or Limestone