Tilsammans's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1323,689mongoid-paperclipEnables you to use Paperclip with the Mongoid ODM for MongoDB.
27,3299,726rack-maintenanceDetect and show a maintenance page
319,78315,924scrollytelling-pageflow-navigationReplace Pageflow navigation with Scrollytelling navigation
427,33944,005midnaThis gem chats with the Midna API so you donโ€™t have to. It will give you objects in the...
532,40229,723mongoid-archivableMove Mongoid documents to an archive instead of destroying them.
636,08537,465nilly_vanillyThis plugin stores NULL in your database when you try to store an empty string.
738,59440,267sidekiq_snitchA Rails engine that monitors your Sidekiq install using Dead Man's Snitch (www.deadmans...
840,64340,267zeldaIf you don't know what this is, you probably don't need it
941,20271,169acts_as_taggable_onWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, ...
1042,488147,291capistrano_transmitCopies mysql databases between remote production and local development servers
1151,29247,929simple_solrSolr client for Ruby on Rails with as few features as possible.
1252,14531,170scrollytelling-navigationScrollytelling โ€œdotsโ€ navigation for Pageflow
1361,10760,549gimme_a_breakThrottle ActiveRecord creation
1463,85444,005scrollytelling-loading_spinnerRender the Scrollytelling CSS loading spinner instead of the Pageflow built-in loading ...
1570,26047,929pageflow-oembedThis plugin enhances Pageflow stories with OEmbed functionality. When a link is present...
1672,04353,644omniauth-nuweOmniAuth strategy for Nuwe.
1779,38747,929randomizrReturns one random Active Record object using cross-platform ANSI compliant SQL
1886,32184,493MidnaThis gem chats with the Midna API so you don't have to. It will give you objects in the...
1993,52247,929uniformityWrap external services in a uniform package.
20116,41871,169ok_computer-clamavMonitor `clamd` from the luxury of your existing OkComputer setup! This check will ...
21119,723147,291active_model_secure_tokenHasSecureToken provides you an easily way to geneatre uniques random tokens for any mod...
22126,31784,493scrollytelling-counterA counter for Pageflow stories.
23128,38384,493scrollytelling-video_controlsReplace Pageflow video controls with the Scrollytelling version
24137,93184,493pageflow-localfocusLocalfocus charts integration for Pageflow
25149,651107,887nuweOfficial Ruby client for Nuwe.
26155,019107,887scrollytelling-piwikRender the Piwik analytics JavaScript snippet for Pageflow stories.
27162,010107,887scrollytelling-pageflow-comscoreRender a dynamic ComScore analytics Javascript widget for Pageflow stories.
28168,009107,887pageflow-countastic๐ŸŒŸ Plain boring numbers in your story become animated ๐ŸŒŸ
29171,428107,887timelinerTrack activities inside a Rails application