Mbryzek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,33412,181flowcommerceNative ruby client for the Flow REST API. Detailed information at https://app.apibuilde...
214,58314,402schema-evolution-manager["Michael Bryzek"]
321,18274,510flowcommerce-referenceSimple native Ruby Library to browse ISO data related to countries, currencies, languag...
431,88247,329flowcommerce-activemerchantFlow.io is PCI compliant gateway which supports authorizations, captures, refunds and t...
551,74974,510lruEfficient LRU in pure ruby where all operations are constant time
652,12874,510acts_as_background_solrExtends the functionality of the acts_as_solr plugin to provide for disconnected backgr...
779,80374,510flow-referenceFlow helper libraries for working with https://api.flow.io
897,59774,510typed-classAllows you to define very simple classes with immutable variables, type safe constructo...
9109,24674,510flowcommerce-solidusFlow provides helper libs for integration of popular Rails/Solidus store framework with...
10145,02174,510simple-versionSimple, well-tested library to parse or create version strings