Ecin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7365,250textacularTextacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveR...
213,47625,716rspec-nice-html-formatterA nice HTML formatter for your RSpec tests 🌈
316,84761,367texticleTexticle exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveRec...
419,75123,402zxingNeed to decode 1D/2D bars and don't mind using JRuby to help with the task? ZXing is th...
551,20261,367datamapper-shimDress ActiveRecord models in DataMapper robes
662,02025,716rack-reshowTime machine for your views in the shape of a Rack middleware.
775,59461,367decoratableDecorate your methods.
888,28333,893slackbotTiny library to send messages to the Slack platform.
993,81241,086psmPrint Stuff Mail provides an RESTful API for sending snail mail. This library eases int...
10126,87161,367rack-probeRack::Probe provides a set of probes for Rack that fire with each request.