1 | 23,538 | 51,220 | ramen-rails | Ramen helps B2B SaaS product teams build better products through workflow-enhanced cust... |
2 | 29,149 | 29,512 | roachclip | Let you upload images and have use paperclip's hotness to post process them |
3 | 38,267 | 51,220 | bigamy | Have associations between ActiveRecord objects and MongoMapper documents |
4 | 52,241 | 51,220 | less_simple | Adds default interpolation values to the Simple backend for I18n |
5 | 78,741 | 51,220 | active_index | Add index option to active record without using the from hack directly |
6 | 90,318 | 51,220 | inequal_opportunity | Adds mergable, stackable inequality statements to ActiveRecord conditions |
7 | 113,776 | 51,220 | bipolar | MongoMapper plugin for first-class documents that can also be embedded |
8 | 118,753 | 51,220 | fastory | Sits on top of FactoryGirl and, when appropriate, caches SQL for later playback |
9 | 128,030 | 51,220 | ryana-this | Add Object#this to stuff for private writers |
10 | 129,457 | 51,220 | solvent | Simple Ruby library for expiring Varnish caches.
It currently relies on my own fork... |
11 | 138,954 | 51,220 | mask | API presenter |