Futurechimp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,217706awrenceHave you ever needed to automatically convert Ruby-style snake_case to CamelCase or cam...
24,4575,137plisskenHave you ever needed to automatically convert JSON-style camelBack or CamelCase hash ke...
315,51441,086enigmamachineA RESTful video encoder which you can use as either a front-end to ffmpeg or headless o...
416,61661,367branstonAn agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use w...
520,79961,367responsive_image_tagAllows you to specify two images in a responsive_image_tag, and includes a javascript g...
624,00961,367lazy-head-genlazy-head-gen adds some extra generators to Padrino. Currently they are hard wired to u...
724,06861,367shoulda_machinist_generatorA superfork of shoulda_generator
928,36061,367bicycleA convenience gem for cycling through a set of values, ported from the 'cycle' function...
1029,07561,367flash_policy_serverThis is a simple Ruby-based policy server to serve Flash's crossdomain.xml policy f...
1130,34461,367bootstrap-onGenerates Padrino admin and admin page templates with Twitter Bootstrap integrated.
1231,56521,627adhdMore to say when something works! Do not bother installing this!
1334,18517,333octopusGrabs stuff off the net and notifies interested subscribers.
1454,55961,367uploadcolumnUploadColumn is a gem/plugin for the Ruby on Rails framework that enables easy uploadin...
1559,59061,367diffrentDiffrent is a very simple way to do ActiveRecord version diffing. It provides a ...
1672,32161,367slickerIt's raining XSS out there. Protect yourself with Slicker!
1796,75661,367skinny_daemon_exampleProcess daemonization with thin!
18118,46161,367futurechimp-sanitize_emailTest an application's email abilities without ever sending a message to actual live add...