Lixiao's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,50410,369eb_deployerFor automating Blue-Green deployment flows on Elastic Beanstalk.
214,91436,705cornCorn collects your application's profiling data by sampling_prof gem, and submits the r...
322,41236,705sampling_profSamplingProf is a profiling tool that operates by sampling your running thread stacktra...
423,63816,865activerecord_partitioningAn ActiveRecord ConnectionPools class supports switching connection pool by database co...
530,00657,843murmursItegrate Git with your Mingle project by posting murmurs to your Mingle project when ne...
630,95527,184spymemcached.jrubyA JRuby extension wrapping the latest spymemcached client (v2.12.1).
731,44957,843file_column_with_s3File attachment library for ruby
831,46557,843mingle-storageMingle storage API to support filesystem and AWS S3 backed storage
932,65957,843mingle-macro-development-toolkitThis toolkit provides support for developing, testing and deploying custom Mingle macros.
1034,56236,705feature_toggleFeature Toggle library for ruby
1138,65757,843messageMessage provides flexible & reliable background/asynchronous job processing mechani...
1243,52936,705evidenceLog Analysis Tool
1346,07057,843dtrDTR is a distributed test runner to run tests on distributed computers for decreasing b...
1449,41430,494aws-amiA tool for creating AWS AMI from a base AMI and an install packages script
1554,81857,843mingle_macro_modelsWrapper models used by custom Mingle macros.
1657,81657,843pieceA model based on Rails controller actions to make user privileges and feature toggle si...
1758,59830,494mac-spotlightSpotlight - Ruby interface to Mac OSX Spotlight
1869,10357,843selenium-rc-latestThe Selenium Server packaged as a gem
1970,35257,843opencv-colorOpenCV is a great library for writing Computer Vision software, However, OpenCV's HSV f...
2071,45257,843mingle_event_changesParse out Mingle Event Feed content element of the entry. Better and simpler API for ac...
2175,69757,843DTRDTR is a distributed test runner to run tests on distributed computers for decreasing b...
2277,52057,843tiny_http_clientGet content by url, or raise error.
2387,92957,843message-sqsHook up AWS SQS with Message background/asynchronous job processing mechanism.
2490,05557,843spymemcached_storeRails 4 cache store for spymemcached.jruby.
2592,71457,843mingle-api[Mingle]( is a software development team collaborative tool, develo...
26115,42157,843goapiGo ( API ruby client.
27117,97957,843teststatsTest (history) analysis in a codebase.
28122,28857,843hickeyHickey provides a simple way of preparing test data inside test for Rails project.
29122,41957,843mac-keychainMac-Keychain -- Ruby interface to Mac OSX Keychain
30135,58857,843cctrayA simple CCTray class to fetch and parse the feed xml as ruby objects
31147,55557,843longjingLongjing is classical planner for learning classical planning algorithms.