Stoneandyn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1626929slimSlim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts with...
28,1699,393lockdownRestrict access to your controller actions.
312,41642,025ruhlMake your HTML dynamic with the addition of a data-ruhl attribute.
419,68986,038classy-inheritanceClassy Inheritance adds a depends_on class method to your ActiveRecord model so that yo...
521,98253,556stageCode template generator for Rails and Merb that DRYs up view code with partials and uti...
624,91931,663pubbaPubba is a library designed to help you manage the static components of your site.
730,51586,038endecaEndeca adapter for use with the Endeca Bridge
841,21753,556salsal.rb is an attribute language.
952,19086,038montyRack based authoriztion system.
1061,18786,038monty-rspec-railsRSpec Rails helpers for Monty
1178,69453,556staticaStatica is a static asset caching solution.