#3082's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,93286,038digitaloceanRuby bindings for the Digital Ocean API.
249,58686,038signatureioRuby bindings for the Signature.io API.
351,06586,038sinatra_asset_packagerOpinionated asset packaging for Sinatra done well.
469,31353,556wixRubygem to interact with Wix's add-on marketplace API.
575,96635,920dotenv-vaultDecrypt .env.vault file.
680,95235,920dotenv-vault-railsDecrypt .env.vault file.
787,37586,038developerreplyProgrammatically add hosts & url settings to SendGrid's parse incoming email settin...
896,90086,038carveRuby bindings for the Carve.io API.
9105,98735,920handshakejsRubygem for Handshakejs session check.
10106,77086,038realhqApplication to RealHQ
11123,72786,038merb_auth_slice_multisiteadd multisite/subdomain functionality to your merb app on top of merb-auth
12167,95920,054cloudflare_turnstileSpam protection for your Rails apps using Cloudflare Turnstile
14178,30386,038rack-naked-to-wwwRedirect naked domain to www
15182,41686,038dotenvx[dotenvx.com] a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv`
16182,44242,025dotenvx-rails[dotenvx.com] a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv`