#310's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,88361,367git-upgit command to fetch and rebase all branches
212,4809,821deadweightA coverage tool for finding unused CSS
313,22633,893fakeldapSupports: Admin user bind operation, Regular user authentication, Create (add), read (s...
474,37029,456oreflectA library for building reflection endpoints to REST services and consuming them.
587,81461,367do_notationHaskell-style monad do-notation for Ruby
694,86833,893mandolineDelete Cucumber features by tag
796,03661,367stataRead and write support for the Stata binary format
899,13261,367sass-alignCommand-line tool to align property values nicely in .sass files
9121,61861,367feepogramA tiny DSL for non-trivial bloopsaphone projects
10139,84461,367wickFunctional reactive programming library