Matthewrudy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1130345memoistmemoize methods invocation
224,05821,471geocoder-ollehProvides object geocoding
324,242138,005rcov_railsOne Rake task to give you rcov code coverage for your rails app. rake test:coverage
433,06431,655serve-thisServe files from the current directory
533,290138,005whitelist_mail_proxyA thin proxy for Mail and ActionMailer to enable whitelisting
633,85525,756memoist2Really simple memoization for ruby 2.0
735,03648,634solr_queryBuild SOLR queries, properly escaped, with a nice API
849,88755,311i18n_scopeMagic scoping for I18n
955,14155,311groupyCategorise Active Records in nested groups with magical scopes, ? methods, and constants.
1058,59255,311headless-railsSeamlessly integrate into your Rails application
1164,67460,874super_stateSuper Simple State Machine
1265,20960,874stubble(experimental) simple stubbing
1369,562138,005cmonWrite a simple monitoring script to be executed by cron, using an rspec-like assertion ...
1469,852138,005zero_downtimeA simple library for running zero-downtime with Rails and ActiveRecord.
1574,05248,634laowaihuaa Lorem Ipsum generator for Chinese
1683,595138,005pinnyPinyin conversion tool
1786,854106,622active_replicaAdd shards, and switch between them for key tasks
1887,50882,818cashishCurrency Handling done simple
1989,875138,005percentiseSimple, consistent Percentises
2090,400138,005time_freezeThe simplest possible way to freeze time
2192,37772,146tempbucketa library built around fog, which stores tempfile-like objects in S3
2297,970138,005repo_parserRepoParser is a code example
23102,26560,874mr_freezeObject#freeze! freezes the contents of arrays and hashes
24122,350138,005reposeSynchronise your repositories
25131,80060,874matthewrudy-primetableA command line tool which takes an input N, and prints the first N prime numbers in a m...
26133,551138,005regexpertRegular expressions bundled into a single place, so you dont have to think anymore abou...