Baconpat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,7013,768constructorDeclarative means to define object properties by passing a hash to the constructor, whi...
212,90811,244fire_pollSimple, brute-force method for knowing when something is ready
315,95812,493diyConstructor-based dependency injection container using YAML input.
421,28419,470hamsterdamImmutable Struct-like record structures based on Hamster.
526,38642,025to_apiHelper for simplifying JSON api creation.
634,38586,038migration_test_helpermigration_test_helper makes testing your migrations easier by adding helper methods to...
753,90853,556publisherpublisher is a module for extending a class with event subscription and firing capabili...
871,44386,038ofx_for_rubyOFX for Ruby is a pure Ruby implementation of Open Financial Exchange specifications (1...
974,65635,920injectionInjection is a simple dependency injection gem for rails3. It allows you to inject obje...
1097,41853,556username_passwordSimple authentication gem to ask user for username/password and save to a file if desired