Jmcanally's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4963,020tomlParse your TOML, seriously.
234,73661,367tweet-buttonGenerate Tweet buttons for your Rails apps
350,43641,086rails-upgradeA simple battery of scripts for upgrading Rails app/checking them for required updates.
458,76361,367fedA feed parser that actually works and doesn't suck.
559,95461,367ditchdaddyBye GoDaddy, hello DNSimple/Namecheap/Gandi. (Will accept patches for other registrars...
662,42141,086literatiRender literate Haskell with Ruby for great good.
773,34729,456we_the_peopleAPI client for the We The People petition application.
876,32333,893wmataA gem for accessing the WMATA API
979,93233,893fresnoFramework for scripting FRC bots with Mirah.
1080,83441,086pendingpending lets you define a block of test code that is currently "pending" functionality,...
1192,43641,086gem_gitTools for hacking and patching gems
1294,80341,086primadoroA gem for executing custom actions during Pomodoros
13137,30241,086mathemagicalMathML parsing library based on the math_ml gem with modification.