1 | 4,280 | 4,593 | rack-host-redirect | Lean and simple host redirection via Rack middleware |
2 | 7,961 | 5,480 | kmeans-clusterer | k-means clustering. Uses NArray for fast calculations. |
3 | 44,786 | 30,732 | duoconsole | Launch Rails development console with test environment as a child process |
4 | 63,925 | 30,732 | pca | Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Uses GSL for calculations. |
5 | 69,363 | 30,732 | gbuesing-toadhopper | Fork of toolmantim-toadhopper, with Haml and Nokogiri dependencies removed |
6 | 75,486 | 30,732 | rackables | A collection of useful Rack middleware |
7 | 75,684 | 30,732 | asset_timestamps_cache | Adapted from asset timestamping functionality in ActionPack. |
8 | 75,882 | 17,200 | asset_bundler | Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack. |
9 | 92,977 | 30,732 | tinyext | Adds Object#blank?, #present?, #tap?, #try and Symbol#to_proc |
10 | 99,636 | 30,732 | nmatrix-rowcol | Arbitrary row/column selection for NMatrix |