1 | 24,884 | 57,505 | loop_dance | Really simple daemon builder and manager. Based on the looper and daemon_controller |
2 | 28,413 | 30,732 | bitrix_on_rails | Использование инфоблоков 1С-Битрикс в Ruby On Rails проектах |
3 | 34,017 | 30,732 | has_many_emails | Add multiply emails features to models like User without changing common behaviour of t... |
4 | 35,476 | 57,505 | courier | Система управления пользовательскими оповещениями и подписками |
5 | 37,980 | 57,505 | iframely | iframe.ly ruby client |
6 | 39,692 | 30,732 | moysklad | Правильный клиент для работы c REST XML API moyslad.ru, созданный по принципам SOLID |
7 | 40,371 | 57,505 | gritter_notices | Provide `notice` method to user model to save notices and to shows them later in views ... |
8 | 49,502 | 57,505 | rails_settings | Simple settings for rails applications using config/settings.yml file |
9 | 52,538 | 30,732 | openbill-ruby | This gem helps to use openbill-core |
10 | 56,579 | 57,505 | auto_logger | Mixin that adds `logger` method authomatically configured to use log name from module/c... |
11 | 57,754 | 30,732 | bitzlato | Ruby HTTP API client library and cli to bitzlato.bz for wallets, trades and money |
12 | 77,042 | 57,505 | mysql2_downcase | mysql2 driver that helps you to work with PHP-based databases having uppercased columns... |
13 | 81,528 | 57,505 | walletone | Клиент для приема оплаты через walletone.com |
14 | 102,172 | 57,505 | twitter_bootstrap_helpers | Хелперы для Twitter Bootstrap |
15 | 106,469 | 57,505 | dapi-archivable | Adds simple methods to support record archiving |
16 | 116,708 | 30,732 | oa-google-openid | This is an Omniauth’s open_id stretegy with the identifier name setted to ‘www.google.c... |
17 | 134,291 | 57,505 | ruby-import | No litter global namespace, no states, no mixins. |
18 | 154,995 | 57,505 | localized_render | Добавляет метод localized_render для поддержки globalize-полей |
19 | 157,229 | 57,505 | amo_crm | Правильный клиент для работы c REST XML API moyslad.ru, созданный по принципам SOLID |
20 | 161,599 | 30,732 | simple_form_bootstrap_inputs | Provides date, currency and date_time inputs for SimpleForm and Bootstrap |
21 | 164,419 | 57,505 | gera | Rails On Rails engine to import and generate currency rates |
22 | 171,995 | 57,505 | capistrano-goenv | goenv support for Capistrano 3.x |