#3151's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
147,93463,432css2cocoaConverts CSS3 webkit stylish code to OBJ-C, like gradients
253,87263,432ios_push_notificationsNicely documented Push Notification gem for rails 3 applications, has generators for mi...
364,41422,084seivan-generatorsA collection of useful Rails generator scripts for HTMl 5 boilerplate, useful partials,...
475,07163,432griddy-railsGriddy Sexyness.
593,73830,305tm_syntax_highlightinga gem to get syntaxhilight via ultraviolet
695,98222,084redis-friendshipsA friendship library with a certain follower/following system utilizing the power of bo...
7129,56741,916redis-messagesA messaging library with outbox/inbox system utilizing the power of both Redis and SQL....
8131,31241,916RfizzyFull text search engine with Redis. Works in all Ruby projects. Very simple built, sour...