#3162's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,19963,432heroku_sanManage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake
263,09363,432siyelo-blogifyA Rails engine for embedding Posterous blog extracts
364,08163,432siyelo-flareNever copy paste sass mixins between projects again!
476,60763,432siyelo-tweetifyA Rails engine for embedding Twitter extracts
586,61563,432glennr-flash-message-conductorA simple pattern for managing flash messages in your Ruby on Rails application
687,46663,432glennr-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. Now with added support for chan...
7106,44563,432toad_notifierHetzner wrapper for ToadHopper
8108,34063,432groove-ey-coreEngine Yard Core API Ruby Client
9116,72463,432glennr-cijoeCI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.
10118,41163,432glennr-posterousThe Posterous gem provides reading & posting from/to Posterous.com using your email, pa...
11119,50463,432glennr-picklerSynchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker
12120,13163,432glennr-email_specEasily test email in rspec and cucumber
13120,33263,432glennr-heroku_sanManage multiple Heroku instances/apps for a single Rails app using Rake
14120,40263,432glennr-recaptchaThis plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API
15121,83663,432glennr-seerSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It a...
16127,06341,916rakeistCommon rake tasks for a Rails project
17136,78963,432glennr_opensrsProvides support to utilize the OpenSRS API with Ruby/Rails.
18166,23363,432glennr-ey-scpQuickly copy files (e.g. YMLs or configuration files) to multiple EngineYard servers