Gramos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,9489,821omniauth-uaa-oauth2An OmniAuth strategy for the Cloud Foundry UAA
240,15961,367imagetoothThis library allows to generate images of teeth for odontograms with tooth faces painte...
345,88361,367guevaraHide the uglyness of nacha file format.
449,91361,367validated_accessorsHelp you discover errors early.
569,10861,367forrestForrest is a runner for stories framework, you can run one story inside of a file that ...
671,88416,044panthro!!! This project is a toy, is not usable for serious !!! The idea is to speed up the ge...
796,99461,367rumbThis tool was created to measure and compare the performance of 2 rubygems mirrors.
8129,07761,367daysetWith this gem you can generate a set of any number of days for a month or for a year, i...
9132,53761,367bntBosh ninja tools
10152,32941,086mobrogVerify all the gems in a given dir and mve broken gems into .broken_gems/.