Heycarsten's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,29641,916lcboRequest and parse product, store, inventory, and product search pages directly from the...
223,36519,893email_veracityEmail Veracity abstracts an email address into a series of objects which makes it easy ...
326,68222,084gcoderUses Google Maps Geocoding API (V3) to geocode stuff and optionally caches the results ...
445,74413,614proproPropro is a tool for provisioning remote servers.
549,51241,916yaYa is a simple authentication system which uses a YAML flat file to store directory info.
652,79641,916boffinBoffin is a library for tracking hits to things in your Ruby application. Things can be...
774,37563,432oreflectA library for building reflection endpoints to REST services and consuming them.
8164,06441,916magiqMagiq enables you to declaratively specifiy queries that translate into ActiveRecord Ar...