Topfunky's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3662,436ruby-hmacThis module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of "Message...
23,2743,664gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
37,4429,098calendar_helperA simple helper for creating an HTML calendar. The "calendar" method will be automa...
49,45119,583rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
515,69585,430sparklinesTiny graphs.
616,94332,242ar_fixturesCreates test fixtures from data in the database.
725,40735,631test_benchmarkRails plugin (and/or ruby gem) for benchmarking your test::units: a rework of the origi...
849,58185,430mosquitoA library for writing tests for your Camping app.
950,32635,631tidy_tableTidyTable by Geoffrey Grosenbach == DESCRIPTION: Yet another libr...
1050,59285,430osxscreenshotA Ruby wrapper around to easily and programmatically capture screenshots ...
1155,03585,430raptInstall, remove, and discover new plugins for your Ruby on Rails app.
1256,87185,430google_checkoutAn interface to the Google Checkout API.
1377,19585,430sparklines_generatorSparklines generator makes a Rails controller and helper for making small graphs in you...
1484,01985,430google-checkoutExperimental library for working with GoogleCheckout. Currently in use for payment at h...
1591,23585,430png_fontSimple fonts for use with the pure Ruby PNG library.
16103,23563,206ar_mailer_generator== DESCRIPTION: Uses the Rails generator mechanism to make a migration and model file ...
17108,06663,206autotaskRuns any shell command or rake task when specified files are updated. Requires the stak...
18108,98163,206bong== DESCRIPTION: Hit your website with bong. Uses httperf to run a suite of benchmarkin...
19112,31563,206css_graphsA simple method to create an HTML calendar for a single month. Can be styled with CSS. ...
20113,74685,430dom_idCreates a CSS DOM id from an ActiveRecord object.
21119,74185,430rubygems-isit19Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://i...
22120,09585,430microformat_generatorTemplates for using Microformats in your HAML-powered app.
23124,13563,206test_timerA Test::Unit hack to print the time each test takes to run.