Romanbsd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5172,625fast-stemmerFast Porter stemmer based on a C version of algorithm
23,4215,795heroku-deflaterDeflate assets on Heroku
37,07713,150activerecord-postgres-jsonActive Record support for PostgreSQL JSON type
412,11813,046juggernautUse Juggernaut to easily implement realtime chat, collaboration, gaming and much more!
524,21686,038mongoid_colored_loggerBeautiful logging for Mongoid
625,48486,038translate-rails3This plugin provides a web interface for translating Rails I18n texts (requires Rails 3...
726,12719,470livejournalLiveJournal module. Post to livejournal, retrieve friends lists, edit entries, sync jo...
835,43842,025receivedCurrently stores received mail in MongoDB
959,75186,038curb-openuriopen-uri drop-in replacement that uses curb
1076,37653,556actionsmsLike ActionMailer, but for SMS
1177,25835,920hunspell-i18nRuby bindings for libhunspell-1.2 with i18n support
1280,12086,038passenger_monitSupport for monitoring Passenger with Monit
1380,86286,038sprockets-emblemSprockets integration for Emblem.js
1488,03242,025ispellThis is a ruby interface to the once popular Ispell package. Please keep in mind, that ...
15109,61942,025hstore-documentAllows embedding documents in ActiveRecord models using PostgreSQL HStore
16125,19186,038vcdiffAn encoder and decoder for the format described in RFC 3284: "The VCDIFF Generic ...
17126,28753,556jsmin-ffiVery fast jsmin implementation using FFI
18128,76386,038qiwiQiwi payments solution