Ahmeij's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,0296,917guard-processGuard extension to run cli processes
211,9459,004backstretch-railsRails asset pipeline packaging for the Backstretch jQuery plugin, following the version...
333,85986,038clean_roomWork in progress, this will be a generic attribute sanitizer which can be used for sani...
435,03186,038stormtroopersStormtroopers is a jruby execution environment for delayed jobs
556,28186,038paperclip-defaultsConfigurable application wide defaults for Paperclip
659,63428,793nuntiusMessages are defined in editable liquid templates.
765,31311,307satisPretty cool
880,82453,556mongoid_storeActiveSupport Mongoid 3 Cache store.
989,04535,920signumRails engine with replacement for flash messages, Signum allows for messages from backg...
1091,34742,025omniauth-hyvesHyves strategy for OmniAuth
11114,75986,038mensaFast and awesome tables, with pagination, sorting, filtering and custom views.
13137,27914,299importoUpload xls, xlsx and csv files and import the data in rails models.
14157,95953,556scriboScribo is designed to work with your models and renders your content inside customer de...
15161,70323,626liquidumReady made set of tags, parsings and awesomeness
16172,30735,920servitiumAn implementation of the command pattern for Ruby
17173,26353,556auxiliumUtility classes that are to small to warrant a own gem for now.
18174,97642,025varioVario adds custom runtime configuration to your Rails app.
19175,48953,556decoroSimple and effective decorators
20175,86486,038eventoUse Evento to hook into events generated by AASM, state\_machines and Devise
21177,30286,038transactioWithin one transaction, track changes to your models and see all state transitions.
22179,00186,038executoExecutes commands on remote servers