Soutaro's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,342595rbsRBS is the language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions.
23,4751,971steepGradual Typing for Ruby
34,0065,032strong_jsonType check JSON objects
45,4907,516querlyQuerly is a query language and tool to find out method calls from Ruby programs. Define...
56,49657,843jsonseqRead/write JSON text sequence based on RFC7464.
610,11510,159unification_assertionUnificationAssertion defines +assert_unifiable+ assertion to test if given two values a...
713,24527,184ast_utilsRuby AST Utility
821,6074,474rbs-inlineInline RBS type declaration.
929,31857,843ensure_xcode_has_no_ci_sourcesFind out source files which has differently cased names between Xcode project and file ...
1055,64157,843jack_and_the_elastic_beanstalkJack and the Elastic Beanstalk.
1157,30016,242rbs_protobufGenerate RBS files from .proto files
1280,51057,843cycromaticCompute Cyclomatic Complexity of Ruby programs
1391,58918,162true_stringTranslate a string to boolean.
14118,70157,843hitokageFaster float to string conversion.
15120,52957,843bundlyBundle gems from YAML file
16144,22157,843git_diff_mapMaps line from old version to new version.
18159,11236,705ast-navigatorUtility functions for AST::Node
19165,49157,843rbs_json_schemaGenerate RBS type definitions from JSON Schema
20170,17157,843pronto-querlyPronto runner for Querly