Jjh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1165227launchyLaunchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget ...
27541,418hitimesA fast, high resolution timer library for recording performance metrics.
36,2416,984htauthHTAuth provides an API and commandline tools for managing Apache/httpd style htpasswd a...
46,9957,689amalgaliteAmalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...
58,61630,305toridTemporally Ordered IDs. Generate universally unique identifiers (UUID) that sort lexica...
619,05330,305heelHeel is a small static web server for use when you need a quick web server for a direct...
719,67130,305sticklerStickler is a tool to organize and maintain an internal gem repository. Primarily, you ...
821,32963,432tyrantmanagerA command line tool for managing Tokyo Tyrant instances. It allows for the creation, s...
940,61041,916crypt-teaAn implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm that's compatible with PHP's xxTEA
1041,13812,386rabalRabal is the Ruby Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries. Taking ideas fr...
1150,34763,432keyboxA set of command line applications and ruby libraries for secure password storage and p...
1254,02863,432kjessKJess is a pure ruby Kestrel client that supports Kestrel's Memcache style protocol.
1368,72918,158qupQup is a generalized API for Message Queue and Publish/Subscribe messaging patterns wit...
1472,46741,916crateCrate is a developer tool to help package up your application as a custom static build ...
1573,81825,458search_generatorGenerates Rails code implementing a search system using SimpleSearch for your Rails app.
1679,32041,916activerecord-amalgalite-adapterThis is that ActiveRecord adapter for the Amalgalite Database gem. The Amalgalite gem ...
1786,95263,432envolveEnvolve provides a consistent and validating way to access your application configurati...
1893,08625,458readorderReadorder orders a list of files into a more effective read order. You would possibly ...
19109,49230,305flat_kitA library and commandline program for reading, writing, indexing, sorting, and merging...
20120,70430,305yaclYACL is your application configuration library.
21121,27130,305deprecatableDeprecatable is a library to help you, as a developer, deprecate your API and be proact...
22125,34130,305ruby-libtommathruby-libtommath is a ruby extension encapsulating the LibTomMath multi-precision intege...
23171,58761,367libsqllibsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...
24180,16561,367bridgetown_revealSupport adding reveal.js presentations to a Bridgetown site.