Ykominami's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
159,36747,329arxutilsutility functions for ActiveRecord.
265,19025,792mdextabmainly extend table tag of HTML5 of Makrdown on Pandoc.
367,88674,510arxutils_sqlite3utility functions for ActiveRecord.
474,45874,510filexLoad a text file, yaml fortmat file and eruby format file and expand it.
575,15174,510feedlroputility functions for Feedly API.
678,59627,620messagexExtend Logger functions.
885,20074,510flistget flie listing in local machine.
994,66633,946md2sitemake Markdown to site with Pandoc.
10100,91047,329ykutilsutilty function created by yk.
11105,51247,329ykxutilsNew version of utilty function created by yk.
12117,14247,329clitestruby gem for test of cli.
13124,37774,510encxEncoding utility.
14153,81874,510simpleoptparseutility class for OptionParse class.
15169,37574,510rsstsvopget tsv file or rss via network and crate tables.
16176,73947,329loggerxUtility class for Logging.
17178,45574,510maketablemake table in wiki format from yaml file.
19181,45774,510gitrepoxruby git.