Morellon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0244,155stompRuby client for the Stomp messaging protocol.
219,34621,532rrd-ffiProvides bindings for many RRD functions (using ffi gem and librrd), as well as DSLs fo...
355,15853,556openstack-swiftOpenstack's swift client
456,77653,556openstack-quantum-messagerA simple gem to deal with openstack quantum
559,98826,609graylog2-clientA simple gem to search on a graylog2 server
670,83053,556openstack-quantum-clientA simple gem to deal with openstack quantum
781,42253,556bpmachineIncludes a DSL for business process specification. The process state is persistent, whi...
890,39735,920ip_methodsProvides an easy way for dealing with IP operations!
9123,36853,556xenapi-rubyA simple gem to deal with Xen API
10130,78653,556xvpXVP password encryption for ruby