Teh_f's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,34329,512AddressBookImporterThe author was too lazy to write a description
220,08329,512AdoccaMemcacheBased on memcache-client by robotco...
321,15829,512CachedSupermodelBased on cached_model by robotcoop&...
423,80829,512ActsAsFastNestedSetThe author was too lazy to write a description
534,41923,838babelRyan Davis is too lazy to write a description
637,09529,512acts_as_cachedCaching helpers for Rails
743,09913,443thomasBayes classifier using memcached
854,44329,512ActsAsEscaped== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Hash access to attributes bypasses acts_as_cached == SYNOPSYS: ...
993,98129,512ServeWebdavWebdav protocol abstraction for rails controllers
10112,95229,512caffeineA Ruby binding for libmemcache + extra functionality (namespaces)