Xuanxu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5511,725rails_autolinkThis is an extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails. The `auto_link` method was ...
218,77610,434croupierCroupier is a Ruby gem to generate a random sample of numbers with a given probability ...
321,95431,663nimbusNimbus is a Ruby gem to implement Random Forest in a genomic selection context.
445,90335,920theojA library to manage editorial objects used in the Open Journals' review process
579,03586,038telegraphMorse code translation. Telegraph provides a simple text-to-morse, morse-to-text transl...
681,30024,968issueReceive, parse and manage GitHub webhook events for issues, PRs and issue's comments
784,98835,920openjournals-nameableA library that provides parsing and output of person names, as well as Gender & Ethnici...
893,34342,025impermiumRuby wrapper for the Impermium social spam API
9127,06886,038random_sourcesThe Random Sources library provides genuine random numbers, generated by processes fund...
10135,77186,038ojxvA library to validate XML outputs in the Open Journals' publishing pipeline
11170,35286,038ojraRuby wrapper for the Open Journal's Reviewers application's API