1 | 20,664 | 14,509 | di-simple_auth | longer description of your gem |
2 | 51,833 | 60,975 | cache-money | Cache utilities. |
3 | 52,835 | 60,975 | oujoke | Simple helpers for workflow organizations |
4 | 54,211 | 60,975 | asset_packager | Minify for rails js and css |
5 | 55,118 | 25,792 | di-acts-as-taggable | With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills... |
6 | 59,654 | 60,975 | is_contacted | Short description for contacted gem |
7 | 72,003 | 60,975 | lj | wrapper for the livejournal api |
8 | 94,920 | 60,975 | acts_as_viewable | Its provide flexibility sustem for calculate counts of page view |
9 | 113,324 | 60,975 | barjillo | yet another customizible auth system |
10 | 121,168 | 40,825 | walker | Cache mechanism, with help u to use, at app |
11 | 126,977 | 60,975 | stupid-git-webhook | A github compatible post-receive web hook for git written in Ruby |
12 | 128,339 | 60,975 | vkontakter | For most popular in russia social network, api wrapper |
13 | 128,397 | 60,975 | schet | Public api wrapper for e-invoice schet.ru |