Enebo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12930ffiRuby FFI library
2307232ffi-compilerRuby FFI library
31,5322,180jruby-opensslJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
42,2772,284jar-dependenciesmanage jar dependencies for gems and keep track which jar was already loaded using mave...
52,8573,174activerecord-jdbc-adapterAR-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component designed to be used wit...
62,9009,462jruby-launcherBuilds and installs a native launcher for JRuby on your system
72,9133,148jruby-jarsThis gem includes JRuby core and the Ruby standard library as jar files. It provides a ...
83,0543,393jruby-rackJRuby-Rack is a combined Java and Ruby library that adapts the Java Servlet API to Rack...
93,4152,609ruby-mavenmaven support for ruby DSL pom files. MRI needs java/javac installed.
103,4582,528ruby-maven-libsmaven distribution as gem - no ruby executables !
113,5624,779jdbc-mysqlInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/mysql'` and invoke `Jdbc::MySQL.load_driver` within JRu...
123,6029,785ruby-debugA generic command line interface for ruby-debug.
133,9384,473jdbc-postgresInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/postgres'` and invoke `Jdbc::Postgres.load_driver` with...
144,0215,213activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapterMySQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
154,0564,360activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapterPostgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
164,0634,525jdbc-sqlite3Install this gem `require 'jdbc/sqlite3'` and invoke `Jdbc::SQLite3.load_driver` within...
174,0994,996activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapterSqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
184,39711,772bouncy-castle-javaGem redistribution of "Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs" jars at http...
195,1703,894image_voodooImage manipulation in JRuby with ImageScience compatible API
206,3026,042dbmProvides a wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library
217,1659,089maven-toolsadds versions conversion from rubygems to maven and vice versa, ruby DSL for POM (Proje...
227,69715,344jdbc-derbyInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/derby'` and invoke `Jdbc::Derby.load_driver` within JRu...
238,01429,742activerecord-jdbch2-adapterH2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
248,21629,742activerecord-jdbchsqldb-adapterHSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
258,33321,773activerecord-jdbcderby-adapterDerby JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
2612,4123,935jmxAccess and create MBeans in a friendly Ruby syntax
2713,66239,985dbd-jdbcA JDBC DBD driver for Ruby DBI
2814,05522,715rake-antAnt tasks and integration for Rake
2914,58639,985rmagick4jRMagick4J =========
3014,89714,351jruby-win32oleA Gem for win32ole support on JRuby
3116,15256,094jdbc-h2Install this gem `require 'jdbc/h2'` and invoke `Jdbc::H2.load_driver` within JRuby to ...
3217,25156,094ActiveRecord-JDBCActiveRecord-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be u...
3318,80033,410jruby-parserA Gem for syntactically correct parse trees of Ruby source
3421,45256,094bitescriptBiteScript is a Ruby DSL for generating Java bytecode and classes.
3527,61456,094jruby-lintThis utility presents hints and suggestions to give you an idea of potentially troubl...
3630,55556,094JRuby-OpenSSLJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
3733,85839,985jdbc-hsqldbInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/hsqldb'` and invoke `Jdbc::HSQLDB.load_driver` within J...
3835,69133,410jrubyfxEnables JavaFX with FXML controllers and application in pure ruby
3936,85816,993jruby-ldapPort of Ruby/LDAP to JRuby
4052,39956,094activerecord-jdbcsqlserver-adapterThis is a fork of ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter for JRuby. SQL Server 2012 and upward.
4156,68439,985AntBuilderAntBuilder: Use ant from JRuby. Only usable within JRuby
4284,84639,985maven_gemMavenGem is a tool, library, and gem plugin to install any Maven-published Java library...
4388,84656,094javasandSandbox support for JRuby. Only usable with JRuby
4489,90656,094ruby2javaThe Ruby2Java compiler inspects the *runtime* definition of classes to produce a normal...
45116,50556,094mongrel_jclusterMongrel plugin that provides commands for managing multiple Mongrel processes in a JVM.
47131,87956,094rpietAn implementation of the esoteric programming language Piet
48132,23456,094hashdbSimplist NoSQL DB
49143,35356,094reapmotionA thin Ruby wrapper around Java LeapMotion API
50180,22856,094jruby-prism-parserPrism JRuby Parser Support