Chastell's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1781,376reekReek is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports any code sme...
26,4005,429private_attrEasily create private/protected attribute readers/writers
326,90153,556signoresignore helps manage email signatures and select random ones based on their tags
435,84853,556art-decompart décomp: an FSM → FPGA decomposer
538,15220,054lovely_rufusAn executable and a Ruby library for wrapping paragraphs of text.
646,93626,609lovely-rufuslovely-rufus: text wrapper (legacy gem)
766,10986,038tributarytributary: a tiny, toto-inspired blogging engine
889,55935,920kamerlingA network server for distributing computations across different clients speaking TCP or...
9132,83386,038triphthongTriphthong counts syllables in Polish text