Marekjelen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,17853,556wildsightGet complete insight into your applications across technologies
234,06586,038noderbPort of the NodeJs library to Ruby, featuring asynchronous IO operations of all kinds.
345,94286,038wildsonet-serverServer backend for Wildsonet on top of Netty library
450,58286,038openshifterSimplify deployments of JRuby applications to OpenShift
557,36053,556thickVery lightweight web server for JRuby based on Netty library.
665,38086,038noderb-httpFast and full-featured HTTP parser.
780,16886,038wildcloud-loggerSimple logging library inspired by Rack architecture
881,10086,038wildcloud-keeperKeeper deploys instances, starts and stops virtual machines
981,36086,038wildnet-serverHttp server on top of Netty library
1084,96786,038chartjs-railsEasy, object orientated client side graphs for designers and developers
1196,02153,556wildsonet-streamerSimple way to stream data to client's browsers
12100,13586,038wildcloud-routerRoutes requests across the platform
13100,40186,038wildcloud-agentManages processes for the platform and provides monitoring
14100,78786,038sliderYeah, once again!
15101,37386,038wildnet-nettyNetty library packed for jRuby
16102,58786,038slideshiftSlideShift is modern presentation system
17103,32286,038androidAndroid client for Mac
18117,01986,038bailiffHelps users to describe configuration of their OS
19125,46486, is new Rails powered applications monitoring service. This gem makes i...
20126,81086,038toolbarDebugging toolbar for web development frameworks.
21128,19186,038wildsonet-mongodbMongoDB library packed as gem
22131,25753,556wildcloud-configurationConfiguration loader extracted form Wildcloud platform
23131,81886,038wildsonet-hazelcastHazelcast integration and surrounding features.
24132,59086,038wildcloud-logeenWaits for logging messages and forwards them further
25132,73286,038wildcloud-gitManages git repositories, authentication information for OpenSSH and authorization.
26132,96786,038wildcloud-runnerBuilds and runs applications inside virtual environment
27134,55486,038wildsonet-nettyThe Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous event-driven network applicat...
28135,95853,556wildnet-jacksonJackson library packed for jRuby
29136,23886,038slideshift-staticSlideShift is modern presentation system
30137,91353,556grump'cause I dislike XML, Gradle was pain in the *** and I had a grumpy day
31139,86986,038pkgmanBuilds and uploads packages based on a simple descriptor
32140,44386,038expressionistSafely make queries against tree data structure with ability to serialize queries for l...
33150,70886,038dictatorAuthorization library that solves problems
34156,32653,556servicebrokerOpen Service Broker starter pack for Ruby
35157,55453,556hazelcastUse Hazelcast from Ruby without dependency on C/C++ or Java client