Coar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
185,14420,750bitstringThis package provides the BitString class. Bit strings are something like Arrays const...
287,20351,323ftoFTO is an extensible Ruby library for formatting text strings. In function it is simil...
3103,72251,323instantcache*rubygem-instantcache* provides the InstantCache module, a mixin which has accessors th...
4111,20251,323dumb-loggerPrimitive no-frills level/mask-driven stream logger.
5126,19851,323candlepin-apiExpose the Candlepin REST API (multiple versions) as Ruby classes and a command-line tool.
6153,50051,323fibonacciaNon-mixin module providing access to terms in the Fibonacci series. Fetch specific term...