Toulmean's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18471,276minitarThe minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal with POSIX...
24,1465,588buildrApache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...
34,9745,680atoulme-AntwrapA Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...
423,17432,380manifestIn the realm of the text file, few files have been as hard to read as MANIFEST.MF. Fran...
538,70669,547buildr4osgiA plugin for adding OSGi support to Buildr. Ever dreamt you could resolve your OSGi dep...
644,23069,547buildrdebA buildr plugin contributing a new packaging method to package your project as a .deb f...
744,57447,825atoulme-SaikuroSaikuro is a Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer. When given Ruby source code Saikuro ...
851,60969,547jekylltaskA Rake task to run jekyll over your textile files.
956,99969,547buildr-findBugsAdds a task to help run FindBugs over your code.
10113,96769,547buildr-package-as-exeA plugin for creating .exe installers with Buildr and makeNSIS. You still are in full c...
11122,39369,547jdtcJDTc provides a wrapper around eclipse's java compiler, this makes it a dropin replacem...
12124,57369,547osgiThe OSGi framework offers an unique way for Java bundles to communicate and depend on e...
13126,87569,547svn2rssSvn2Rss, rssifying your svn commits.