1 | 21 | 14 | faraday | HTTP/REST API client library. |
2 | 126 | 150 | sawyer | Secret User Agent of HTTP |
3 | 1,676 | 3,041 | hurley | Hurley provides a common interface for working with different HTTP adapters. |
4 | 2,038 | 1,808 | acts_as_paranoid | Check the home page for more in-depth information. |
5 | 2,245 | 1,845 | email_reply_parser | EmailReplyParser is a small library to parse plain text email content. This is what Git... |
6 | 3,667 | 11,185 | grit | Grit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or... |
7 | 5,437 | 10,134 | multipass | Bare bones implementation of encoding and decoding MultiPass values for SSO. |
8 | 6,106 | 7,991 | albino | Ruby wrapper for pygmentize. |
9 | 7,138 | 40,597 | rack-statsd | Tools for monitoring Rack apps in production. |
10 | 13,527 | 10,560 | sentry | Sentry provides painless encryption services with a wrapper around some OpenSSL classes |
11 | 16,923 | 40,597 | astrotrain | email => http post |
12 | 17,018 | 31,778 | guillotine | Adaptable private URL shortener |
13 | 18,079 | 40,597 | acts_as_versioned | Add simple versioning to ActiveRecord models. |
14 | 18,677 | 19,365 | leveldb-ruby | LevelDB-Ruby is a Ruby binding to LevelDB. |
15 | 28,445 | 108,042 | running_man | Simple class for test/unit setup blocks that run just once. |
16 | 35,681 | 65,653 | activesupport_notifications_backport | ActiveSupport::Notifications backported for Rails 2.3 |
17 | 38,159 | 48,759 | tainted_hash | Hash wrapper. |
18 | 41,944 | 65,653 | horcrux | Simple key/value adapter library. |
19 | 46,003 | 108,042 | alice | HTTP/REST API client library using Rack-like middleware |
20 | 51,214 | 65,653 | model_iterator | Iterate through large ActiveRecord datasets |
21 | 52,390 | 65,653 | serializable_attributes | A bridge between using AR and a full blown schema-free db. |
22 | 58,330 | 108,042 | madrox | Distributed Twitter implementation on Git. |
23 | 74,143 | 65,653 | twitter_server | Twitter API implementation on top of Sinatra |
24 | 74,763 | 108,042 | appcast | == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: Use mongrel_... |
25 | 74,909 | 108,042 | queue_kit | Job Queue hobby kit |
26 | 83,361 | 65,653 | active_set | Tracks the number of active objects during a certain time period in a Redis sorted set. |
27 | 85,109 | 108,042 | unique_content_set | Long description. Maybe copied from the README. |
28 | 92,205 | 108,042 | sparkplug | Rack module that dynamically generates sparkline graphs from a set of numbers. |
29 | 92,481 | 108,042 | rack-sparklines | Rack module that dynamically generates sparkline graphs from a set of numbers. |
30 | 98,850 | 108,042 | urban_api | Quick Ruby library for scraping Urban Dictionary |
31 | 115,670 | 65,653 | jack | The author was too lazy to write a description |
32 | 122,793 | 108,042 | mongrel_send_file | The mongrel_send_file GemPlugin |
33 | 132,219 | 108,042 | rack_monitor | Tools for monitoring Rack apps in production. |
34 | 149,492 | 108,042 | hurley-excon | Excon connection for Hurley. |