Geoffgarside's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,39028,793xenapiXen API XMLRPC Client library for working with XenServers
228,27242,025fugue_icons_railsFugue icon set for use with Rails 3.1 and 3.2 assets
330,72786,038demolisherGem for extracting information from XML files, think Builder but backwards
432,35453,556nominet-eppClient for communicating with the Nominet EPP
536,73442,025enom-apiClient for communicating with the eNom API
643,06686,038palmtreeCollection of Capistrano recipes
744,58253,556epp-clientClient for communicating with EPP services
848,15986,038fugue_icons_shadowless_railsFugue icon shadowless set for use with Rails 3.1 and 3.2 assets
968,77186,038vagrant-vmware-freebsdProvides vagrant capabilities for VMware FreeBSD machines.
1089,24686,038copianSuite of SNMP collectors for different types of network devices
1199,67786,038polymorphic_selectRails 3.1 Polymorphic Select view helpers and model support
12105,15586,038ropianSuite of tools for working with network power units
13120,37486,038esortcodeRuby interface to eSortCode UK Account and Bank Branch validator
14124,91186,038primehostingCapistrano recipes for deployment to Primehosting accounts