Glenngillen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2516,185databasedotcom[DEPRECATED] A ruby wrapper for the REST API. Try restforce instead: https://...
217,26910,574rails-database-urlSets DATABASE_URL, if it's not set already, to the appropriate value out of the Rails c...
321,30553,556voltosAccess Voltos API
422,39935,920activerecord_url_connectionsAllows database connections to be defined as URLS, then converted to hash for use in Ac...
523,29753,556addons-clientAddons Platform API client
626,22786,038scrubytscRUBYt! is an easy to learn and use, yet powerful and effective web scraping framework...
731,07453,556objectbouncerA simple DSL and object proxy to restrict access to instances of your classes based on ...
833,10653,556nesta-plugin-dropAllows you to sync web content on Dropbox with a Ruby-based CMS
935,36553,556abingoA split testing framework for Rails 3.x.x
1048,84453,556rack_stagingAutomatically protects your staging app from web crawlers and casual visitors.
1164,33853,556activerecord-concurrent-indexConcurrently adds database indexes
1268,25142,025monkeywrenchA ruby API for managing lists, campaigns, subscribers, etc. within Mailchimp (http://ww...
1372,63953,556monkey_wrenchA ruby API for managing lists, campaigns, subscribers, etc. within Mailchimp (http://ww...
1482,16242,025nesta-plugin-contentfocusAllows you to sync web content on Dropbox with a Ruby-based CMS
1596,96342,025nesta-contentfocus-extensionsExtensions required to use ContentFocus themes.
1697,00942,025heroku_notificationA client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API
17100,96486,038rack-syntax-highlighterUses Albino and Pygmentize to add highlighting to code blocks
18101,59553,556ruby-psqlPostgres psql binary
19109,91553,556atlas_on_railsAn API agnostic way of including maps within you Rails app (e.g., GoogleMaps)
20116,86842,025hamstacheHamstache allows you to use the cleanliness of HAML while still taking advantage of the...
21125,10353,556bananasplitA split testing framework for Rails 3.x.x
22133,91453,556recklesslyAllows you to execute code, and then have any exceptions handled in a generic way (like...
23152,30642,025nesta-plugin-focusAllows you to sync web content on Dropbox with a Ruby-based CMS
24153,94253,556nesta-theme-medianA typography focussed theme for NestaCMS.
25155,14553,556nesta-theme-lisezmoiA technical documentation theme for NestaCMS.