Dara's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9536,327jpmobileA Rails plugin for mobile devices in Japan
213,18461,367activegroongaGroonga provides both of full text search and column store features. ActiveGroonga + Gr...
317,93561,367togostanzaDevelopment tools of TogoStanza
425,16361,367iareaA library for DoCoMo Open Iarea.
528,43941,086groongaDEPRECATED!!! Use 'rroonga' instead. Ruby/groonga is a extension library to use groonga...
629,37861,367droonga-clientDroonga client for Ruby
733,58061,367drntestDrntest is a testing framework for Droonga. You can write a test for Droonga by writing...
836,03161,367droonga-engineDroonga engine is a core component in Droonga system. Droonga is a scalable data proces...
948,80061,367fluent-plugin-droongaDroonga (distributed Groonga) plugin for Fluent event collector
1055,92961,367grn2drnGrn2drn is a command to convert a *.grn dump file to a JSONs file for Droonga.
1163,32661,367drnbenchIt may be used for other HTTP servers.
1268,08229,456objectdetectA simple library for detecting objects in pictures.
1368,92561,367droonga-message-pack-packerThis MessagePack packer packs time values into W3C-TDF format string automatically. Bec...
1481,91161,367gimletDocument-oriented, Text-based and Read-only data storage
1590,84133,893locapointLocaPoint conversion library
1698,10961,367drndumpDrndump is a tool to dump Droonga database. You can use it for backup.
17123,87341,086mashfeedfeed aggregator framework and plugins
18137,06961,367gimlet-modelGimlet: Document-oriented, Text-based and Read-only data storage, acts as Model