#3378's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8771,693coverbandRack middleware to measure production code usage (LOC runtime usage)
24,0424,217browser-timezone-railsThe browser timezone is set on the Time#zone
35,4846,190jstz-rails3-plusThis gem provides jstz.js and for your Rails 3 application.
417,16812,410rake_unused_routesUses exports of live controllers to generate unused routes. Uses the same formatting a...
528,18463,206blanket_cachekeyProvides a rails cache key for caching data that should be invalidated whenever any Act...
658,47385,430kbaum-mungerA different and possibly longer explanation of
758,87985,430kbaum-pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
860,02239,727browser_tzoneThe browser timezone is set on the Time#zone
961,58285,430model_renamerThe model renamer gem allows you to rename any a model in your rails application. The g...
1073,81785,430kbaum-mongo_extC extensions to accelerate the MongoDB Ruby driver. For more information about Mongo, s...
1174,30985,430kbaum-mongoA Ruby driver for MongoDB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www.mongodb.org.
1288,27385,430kbaum-rails_sequelrails_sequel allows you to quickly use Sequel Toolkit as your ORM in Ruby on Rails
1390,05385,430kbaum-resque-retryresque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...
1492,91085,430simple_redis_cachesimple api for caching strings in redis and passing a time to live
1594,55385,430kbaum-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
16119,14185,430kbaum-rchardetCharacter encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source.
17121,01285,430kbaum-mailA really Ruby Mail handler.
18123,12685,430kbaum-resque-priorityProvides Resque with three levels of (named) priority for a single queue.
19156,71085,430kbaum-cucumberA BDD tool written in Ruby