Cyx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8754,024redicLightweight Redis Client
24,2554,142ohmOhm is a library that allows to store an object in Redis, a persistent key-value databa...
34,8474,320ohm-contribIncludes a couple of core functions such as callbacks, timestamping, typecasting and lo...
45,9985,183requestsBecause Requests for Python is awesome
56,8169,172armorA PBKDF2 pure ruby implementation.
612,56911,910shieldProvides all the protocol you need in order to do authentication on your rack appli...
714,88731,663depSpecify your project's dependencies in one file.
815,17620,054sinatra-helpersIncludes month_choices, year_choices, country_choices
921,10217,852lunarFeatures full text searching via metaphones, range querying for numbers, fuzzy searchin...
1021,81086,038cuba-contribIncludes various helper tools for Cuba.
1123,62686,038ostOst lets you manage queues and workers with Redis.
1224,20417,852maloneDead-simple Ruby mailing solution which always delivers.
1325,65953,556paginationTrying to make the pagination world a better place
1426,39819,470imageryClean & light interface around GraphicsMagick.
1528,11253,556sinatra-securityFor use with Sinatra + Monk + OHM
1635,96220,054sinatra-i18nallows you to have config/locales/en.yml and the t helper
1737,44786,038anAN is a simplified client for integration with Authorize.NET.
1839,28553,556bullhorndrop in rack middleware for
1942,37386,038nobiRuby port of itsdangerous python signer.
2047,40314,661gemfileLibrary to generate a gemfile using installed gems.
2151,53486,038rspec-rails-matchersHelps you write rspec with rails for fun
2252,35986,038rtopiaFor use anywhere you have objects with to_params, ids, or just to_s's
2352,64686,038pliny-libratoA Librato metrics reporter backend for pliny
2453,53386,038peonsHard working queues on top of Redis
2558,58831,663chimpFor those who want something nimble.
2669,55086,038paperclip-matchersAllows you to do BDD on paperclip with ease
2775,74986,038testopiaa collection of test helpers for Ohm, Sinatra, Rack
2876,12786,038shield-contribProvides various specific implementations based on the Shield protocol. Examples in...
2983,07731,663kuvertKeep MailFactory updated with the times
3083,39286,038pistolExtremely lightweight reloading tool for rack & sinatra apps.
3197,07986,038sssSimple CLI interface for copying files to S3.
32111,95742,025pxPaymentExpress 2.0 integration library
33119,24186,038draftInstead of forcing a methodology, structure, and tons of naming conventions, Draft ...
34120,76486,038rack-mail_exceptionUses the mail library for sending exceptions
35127,16286,038frankrbFrank tries to demonstrate how to write a basic Sinatra-ish clone.
36128,36186,038rprovRprov is a simple command line utility which helps you provision an...
37128,38486,038tell(T)hin Ruby Secure Sh(ell).
38131,67486,038mote-debugMinimal debugging support for mote.