1 | 202 | 210 | temple | Template compilation framework in Ruby |
2 | 211 | 881 | mimemagic | Fast mime detection by extension or content (Uses freedesktop.org.xml shared-mime-info ... |
3 | 636 | 897 | slim | Slim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts with... |
4 | 1,170 | 848 | creole | Creole is a lightweight markup language (http://wikicreole.org/). |
5 | 1,211 | 1,502 | moneta | A unified interface to key/value stores |
6 | 6,679 | 11,815 | gsl | Ruby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit... |
7 | 7,753 | 5,676 | iruby | A Ruby kernel for Jupyter environment. Try it at try.jupyter.org. |
8 | 8,860 | 8,065 | lmdb | lmdb is a Ruby binding to OpenLDAP Lightning MDB. |
9 | 9,515 | 30,494 | rb-gsl | Ruby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit... |
10 | 15,255 | 57,843 | gitrb | Fast and lightweight ruby git implementation |
11 | 26,310 | 57,843 | olelo | Olelo is a git-based wiki which supports many markup languages, tags, embedded TeX and ... |
12 | 27,291 | 57,843 | juno | Replaced by http://rubygems.org/gems/moneta |
13 | 28,610 | 36,705 | sciruby | Scientific gems for Ruby. See the sciruby-full gem for a full installation of many comp... |
14 | 34,016 | 30,494 | bibsync | BibSync is a tool to synchronize scientific papers and BibTeX bibliography files. It au... |
15 | 35,336 | 20,780 | unit | Scientific unit support for ruby for calculations |
16 | 41,615 | 57,843 | sciruby-full | Scientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints. |
17 | 43,242 | 14,050 | jekyll-slim | Slim html converter for Jekyll |
18 | 64,727 | 57,843 | typohero | TypoHero improves web typography by applying various filters (similar to rubypants, typ... |
19 | 78,133 | 57,843 | evaluator | Mathematical expression evaluator for infix notation |
20 | 88,790 | 57,843 | sliq | Process template with Slim and Liquid afterwards. |
21 | 120,445 | 57,843 | imaginator | Image generator for LaTeX/Graphviz source |
22 | 121,834 | 57,843 | rack-embed | Rack::Embed embeds small images via the data-url (base64) if the browser supports it. |