1 | 3,693 | 3,335 | scenic-mysql_adapter | MySQL adapter for thoughtbot/scenic |
2 | 5,723 | 9,570 | snail | International snail mail addressing is a pain. This begins to make it easier. |
3 | 10,922 | 147,291 | capistrano-hivequeen | Capistrano extensions for interacting with HiveQueen |
4 | 12,628 | 10,411 | mail-x_smtpapi | Adds SendGrid X-SMTPAPI header support to Mail |
5 | 17,562 | 107,887 | amazon_flex_pay | A straight-forward REST API for Amazon's Flexible Payments Services. |
6 | 20,684 | 28,212 | mass_assignment | An alternative to attr_protected that supports a simpler, more secure params assignment... |
7 | 21,694 | 19,313 | keratin-authn | Client gem for keratin/authn service. |
8 | 23,401 | 20,803 | configs | Easy (easier?) management of config/*.yml files. Defines a lookup priority for the curr... |
9 | 27,064 | 14,677 | replica_pools | Connection proxy for ActiveRecord for leader / replica setups. |
10 | 34,863 | 22,021 | presenting | Provides view components to quickly render tables, forms, etc., typically for an admin ... |
11 | 38,640 | 107,887 | contexto | Shows you context for ECS services and containers. |
12 | 39,003 | 147,291 | ajax_scaffold_plugin | Ajax Scaffold plugin is a rails plugin for ajaxified scaffolds |
13 | 39,182 | 47,929 | slave_pools | Connection proxy for ActiveRecord for master / replica setups. |
14 | 55,700 | 18,252 | simplecov-stdout | A SimpleCov formatter that prints actionable feedback directly to stdout. |
15 | 62,429 | 84,493 | pundit-cache | Caches Pundit policy checks during a single request. |
16 | 66,050 | 44,005 | semantic_attributes | A validation library for ActiveRecord models that allows introspection (User.name_is_re... |
17 | 70,054 | 53,644 | mysql_point | ActiveRecord support for MySQL POINT fields. |
18 | 87,640 | 147,291 | benchmark_for_rails | Provides better benchmarking of the Rails request stack. Currently tuned for Rails 2.3.x. |