Chrislo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,86263,432wpa_cli_webWeb interface for configuring wifi using wpa_cli
250,33616,639radiodnsPerform RadioDNS resolutions and service lookups
373,33563,432jiraA command line interface to the JIRA issue tracking system
473,85463,432similarityDocument similarity calculations using cosine similarity and TF-IDF weights
582,22063,432onthisdayA little parser for Wikipedia's 'On This Day' content block
684,91563,432wpa_cli_rubyA ruby wrapper for the wpa_cli command line utility
799,40363,432viewtextWrapper for the Viewtext API
8131,12063,432inthenewsA little parser for Wikipedia's 'In the News' content