#3396's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,5558,067luhn_checksumEfficient Luhn checksum validator
217,43620,576shibaUse production statistics for realistic SQL query analysis. Finds code that may take do...
318,58720,576action_mailer-logged_smtp_deliveryActionMailer SMTP delivery strategy with advanced logging and Bcc support
450,60916,992test-html-sanitizerA simple hello world gem
553,55054,789replicaEasily run queries on replicated/slave databases.
655,36654,789simple_accessSimple access control dispatcher
763,27854,789action_mailer-enqueableSerialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers
864,79254,789expirable_lockingA tiny ActiveRecord extension for expirable locking.
9111,88354,789eac-rackRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications ...