1 | 623 | 495 | rugged | Rugged is a Ruby bindings to the libgit2 linkable C Git library. This is
for testing an... |
2 | 735 | 1,820 | rack-cache | Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-ba... |
3 | 1,089 | 1,182 | rack-contrib | Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities |
4 | 1,268 | 2,490 | posix-spawn | posix-spawn uses posix_spawnp(2) for faster process spawning |
5 | 1,868 | 2,910 | rdiscount | Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C |
6 | 2,557 | 3,789 | shotgun | Reloading Rack development server |
7 | 3,507 | 16,068 | ronn | Builds manuals |
8 | 11,008 | 22,512 | bcat | pipe to browser utility |
9 | 12,508 | 42,025 | rocco | Docco in Ruby |
10 | 13,564 | 22,512 | replicate | Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments. |
11 | 17,557 | 16,697 | sinatra-sequel | Extends Sinatra with Sequel ORM config, migrations, and helpers |
12 | 25,694 | 24,968 | ernicorn | Ernicorn is a BERT-RPC server packaged as a gem. |
13 | 34,343 | 86,038 | date-performance | Adds some semblance of performance to Ruby's core Date class. |
14 | 35,223 | 35,920 | rpeg-markdown | Fast Markdown implementation |
15 | 51,837 | 53,556 | ron | ron -- the opposite of roff -- is now known as 'ronn' |
16 | 77,136 | 86,038 | discount | Discount Implementation of Gruber's Markdown |
17 | 80,189 | 86,038 | mongrel_proctitle | The mongrel_proctitle GemPlugin |
18 | 98,687 | 86,038 | divvy | ... |
19 | 100,045 | 86,038 | sinatra-captcha | Simple, easy captcha for Sinatra |