1 | 10,354 | 63,432 | api_resource | A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu... |
2 | 14,206 | 30,305 | hash_dealer | Like Factory Girl but for Hashes only |
3 | 26,891 | 63,432 | gxapi_rails | Google Analytics and integration |
4 | 28,071 | 10,721 | requires_approval | Gem to handle versioning and things that require approval |
5 | 34,007 | 63,432 | tinia | Rails integration for CloudSearch |
6 | 52,582 | 18,158 | resque_extensions | An extension to Resque that makes it act more like Delayed::Job |
7 | 54,258 | 18,158 | requires_approval_rails_2 | Gem to handle versioning and things that require approval |
8 | 66,025 | 41,916 | bigpipe-rails | Takes advantage of context switching and provides in Rails 3.1 |
9 | 71,660 | 25,458 | sailthru_mailer_3 | Implements ActionMailer compatible syntax |
10 | 77,154 | 63,432 | autoscope | Automatically apply scopes to a model |
11 | 79,236 | 63,432 | vericred | Client to interact with the Vericred API |
12 | 86,785 | 63,432 | table_renamable | Gem to support live renaming of tables columns |
13 | 90,815 | 63,432 | cloud_search_rails | Rails integration for CloudSearch |
14 | 95,336 | 63,432 | gfobh_scorer | Scoring tool for Get Fit Or Be Hacking |
15 | 100,198 | 30,305 | sailthru_mailer | Implements ActionMailer compatible syntax |
16 | 102,683 | 63,432 | grammars | Generic context-free grammar tagger |
17 | 114,624 | 41,916 | sailthru_batching_client | Sailthru Client with Batching |