Dsl239's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,30828,793api_resourceA replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...
214,12212,600hash_dealerLike Factory Girl but for Hashes only
326,76824,968gxapi_railsGoogle Analytics and integration
428,00635,920requires_approvalGem to handle versioning and things that require approval
533,90453,556tiniaRails integration for CloudSearch
652,48753,556resque_extensionsAn extension to Resque that makes it act more like Delayed::Job
754,15886,038requires_approval_rails_2Gem to handle versioning and things that require approval
865,86853,556bigpipe-railsTakes advantage of context switching and provides in Rails 3.1
971,54086,038sailthru_mailer_3Implements ActionMailer compatible syntax
1077,04586,038autoscopeAutomatically apply scopes to a model
1179,11486,038vericredClient to interact with the Vericred API
1286,73153,556table_renamableGem to support live renaming of tables columns
1390,67886,038cloud_search_railsRails integration for CloudSearch
1495,25086,038gfobh_scorerScoring tool for Get Fit Or Be Hacking
15100,05386,038sailthru_mailerImplements ActionMailer compatible syntax
16102,51942,025grammarsGeneric context-free grammar tagger
17114,40386,038sailthru_batching_clientSailthru Client with Batching